an illustration of a long-tailed keywords and SEO

Rank Higher On Google With Long-Tailed Keywords And SEO

When you're in business, your marketing presence should be focused on more than just a pretty face, it should also be a lead generation tool. You do not have a website just to have one or go to trade shows just to be there, but you should use these marketing channels as a way to increase your leads and consequently bring in more sales. Before writing out a check, there are several things that must occur first. Your customers must find your website, decide that they want to buy from you, and make the purchase or contact you. Today, the way this process usually gets started is with a Google search, so smart marketers use SEO techniques that include long-tailed keywords.  Keywords that use buyers' intent and not just one keyword.

Finding SEO Success With Long-Tailed Keywords

This concept means that rather than building your website on single words that are relevant to your industry, you use phrases that are more comparable to what people are searching for. If someone is looking for custom housings to use in electronics production, they would have a long search ahead of them by just entering "housings" or "parts" in the search. By adding more specific search terms such as "metal housings for electronics," "custom housings for electronics," or "best housings for electronics," they are likely to get more relevant results.

Searching for just "housing" yields results that include dwellings, while "electronic housing" produces a diverse mix of search results. "Metal electronic housings" yields results that focus on suppliers in the relevant industry.

Knowing The B2B Marketing Process

The fact is that B2B purchasing is most often a three-part process that includes searching, comparison, and, ultimately, buying. Recent statistics indicate that 93% of business purchases start out this way, in contrast to 80% of consumer purchases. Just as with consumers, business shoppers have a problem they need solved or a need they want to be met. Their early search efforts are broad and seldom focus on the company name, but subsequent searches are more focused as they learn more about products or services that will do the job.

For marketers, this means that they need to focus on having their company appear in search results. A few years ago, they often did this with contrived techniques that aimed to get them higher-ranking search results, but after several updates from Google, the emphasis is now on content. A company that presents itself as a problem solver on its website, blog, social media sites, press releases, and other online sources has content that stresses its ability to meet a specific customer need.  We show you what that means in every SEO class.

Learn Search Engine Optimization For Best Results

If your content is built on long-tailed keywords, you will often find that you pull in more visitors with potential, and also that you have an advantage over some of the competitors. It is easy for your company to get lost in the shuffle of irrelevant results if you are trying to build a Google rank on "housings," but you could increase your ranking by using word combinations such as "injected plastic housings for electronics" or "cast metal custom housings for electronics." By publishing content that shows yourself as a company to consider when looking for custom electronic housings, you can move your company into consideration.

To ensure that your content conforms to the latest Google directives for gaining results, work with an experienced SEO training company that will turn long-tailed keywords into success for your business.

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