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The digital world won't be in the same healthy shape or form without business SEO services. How does SEO work on Google? Many folks don't know that SEO was shaped by the endless steps search engines have taken over two decades to improve their service.

Let's face it – the Google we knew in the early 2000s is barely recognizable. Instead, everything looks and feels sleeker, faster, and more efficient. But more than the cosmetic changes to Google's SERPs, it is undeniable that Google has gone thousands of miles to refine its search engine technology.

The developments at Google in the last decade alone spelled the doom for shady websites. Therefore, recency and relevance are two of the most critical factors to getting on top of SERPs.

Google has reached so many milestones with its algorithm updates. Business owners who never took care of their websites and never bothered with the fact that websites now needed to look good on mobile devices first before PCs and laptops suddenly found themselves missing from Google SERPs.

Google's universal message was simple – deliver great online experiences and the best content to users, and they will take care of the surfacing of content and pages. But who knew how serious Google would be in its quest to stamp out thin and irrelevant sites! Google was also apparent for years that blackhat SEO or unethical methods of gaining an advantage over competitors will likely cause a backlash and Google penalties more than anything. So Google didn't want anything to do with blackhat methods like "negative SEO," which unfortunately exist today.

Learning SEO is the worthiest investment you will ever make.

SEO has grown from being ‘just for businesses’ to an entire discipline that benefits any person, business, or organization that needs to be found online. Search engine optimization has become so incredibly crucial that thousands of SEO vendors exist globally for one thing: to help websites get found online.

There are so many reasons to start learning SEO, which we will outline shortly. But, first, review how 1on1 SEO Training helps professionals and business owners from all markets and industry verticals. You will be amazed at how pervasive, and essential SEO has become for life, not just for business.

SEO enables clear communication.

This is probably the most significant contribution of SEO to general digital marketing and the internet. With the help of the tireless work of search engine engineers and professionals, the internet has become such an open place for information exchange, communication, and commerce.

Today’s world wouldn’t have been possible without the help of search engines, where almost 100% of online activities originate.

You probably use Google or any other search engine at least once daily; now imagine if all search engines just disappeared one day. Where would people go?

How would they find information as quickly as they do now? If the search engines disappeared, we’re sure that another technology that functions in the same way (or better) would emerge.

Online searches provide convenience and unparalleled access to information.

If you believe that free access to information is a fundamental right, you will love what we do here at 1on1 SEO Training. 1on1 SEO Training brings people, businesses, organizations, and businesses closer to their chosen audiences and communities. 

The way we see it, the internet’s potential can only be fully realized if the right people find reliable and relevant information. Our SEO training system helps professionals and organizations achieve just that.


Bruce Jones  our SEO  trainer has been tirelessly helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, nonprofit organizations, and professionals wishing to work in search engine optimization.

We focus on growth and sustainable digital operations, and our approach has always been firmly rooted in practical SEO strategies that stand the test of time.

Truly great SEO coaching helps achieve these objectives:

By achieving these five essential pillars of SEO and inbound marketing, organic traffic, lower bounce rates, higher CTRs, higher conversions, etc., will naturally follow. Why? Because SEO makes your message worthwhile, relevant, and essential to your target audience. SEO also works hard to ensure that your website is relevant compared to your competitors, so your message comes through first.

Determine the right audience:
who must you be addressing with your message?

Determine the right approach:
how should you speak to your audience?

Determine the right message:
what should you say?

Determine the right SEO platforms:
where will your message appear?

Determine the right SEO methods:
how can you maintain contact with your audience?

SEO Strategy and Direction with SEO Coaching

Why? Because customers are always online, they're always looking for information to lock in purchases and make those buying decisions. The customer of today is more information-driven than ever before.

While some digital marketers will quickly advocate PPC and other advertising platforms, let's take a step back to assess what it means to drive long-term growth. Inbound marketing through SEO holds so much potential for small businesses, from eCommerce stores to brick-and-mortar stores that have only launched the digital leg of their respective marketing journeys.

We've always asked business owners – do you want to rent, or do you want to build a house? Building a house means working on your site's SEO to gain a more prominent and permanent prominence in your industry vertical or market.

Small businesses may have difficulty optimizing their websites for search since they often have lower budgets, staff, and resources than their bigger rivals. When internet visibility is so crucial, how can small businesses compete?

Google’s criteria develop over time, and so should your website. However, since Google’s search algorithm is not publicly known, SEO specialists are working tirelessly to generate and test new theories about how search works.

However, occasionally it provides us hints. For example, Google previously revealed that it would incorporate Page Experience into its medley of ranking signals. This update measures loading speed, mobile friendliness, and site security, all of which should be considered while revamping your small business website.

Your competitors are likely to have specialists and research teams at their disposal. As a smaller and more agile business, speed is your ally. Finally, ensure that you cater to consumer requirements; delighting actual clients typically goes a long way toward satisfying Google.

Emphasize precisely how your services, products, and organization can assist clients in achieving their objectives. Maintain consistent branding and design throughout your website’s pages to provide a unified, trustworthy experience for your users. Create engaging, content-rich web pages that demonstrate your subject matter expertise and provide answers to the most often asked queries from clients. In addition, you must guarantee that your small business website is technically sound. More significant expenditures result in devoted teams and more people working on SEO. 

Entrepreneurs Looking to Start a New Business

"SEO is central to the effort to attract customers. SEO enhances online presence, consequently generating more organic traffic. As the technological world is continually growing, so is SEO. And it can get somewhat competitive, particularly for business owners. No one is safe from the inevitable crash of organic traffic. Endless competition is one of the driving factors why SEO continues to be incredibly relevant to global businesses."

Although it may be intimidating to compete with the numerous businesses that already have an established web presence, acquiring new customers online is quite possible with SEO.

We help entrepreneurs in the quest to be found online. Bruce Jones SEO also increases its opportunities for growth and scaling.

Discoverability online is not as straightforward as one may imagine. Even well-established firms and enterprises with large SEO budgets obtain strategic top spots on SERPs. However, while these enterprises may have the advantage in marketing budgets, one thing is for sure - you can't directly buy top spots on Google SERPs.

You can't email Google and offer them money. You can pay for ads but never organic search results. Google is the biggest search engine ever. Since no entrepreneur can also buy organic keyword rankings (which are always advantageous for entrepreneurs), fledgling businesses and large enterprises have the same chance of ranking for keywords.

What’s fascinating about this situation is that often, these enterprises are paying ten or twenty times more because they deal with extensive digital marketing agencies. We can change that scenario.

What do you have to know about SEO? Both on-page and off-page elements impact your search engine rankings, which should be considered when designing an SEO strategy. On-page SEO relates to the website components, including title tags, meta descriptions, and body content.

Because you have direct control over these components, changing them for the better is always possible.

Spend some time improving these elements and inserting keywords where necessary if you haven’t already. This is an efficient methods for improving your search engine rankings for keywords and phrases.

Off-page SEO refers to any external elements influencing your website’s search engine ranking potential. The most critical off-page characteristics are links, which operate as “votes” from other websites.

This is a bit more involved than on-page SEO, but the simplest way to understand it is that the more high-quality websites that link to your site, the better your chances of ranking well. This is because building links takes time, and providing high-quality content on your website is the most efficient method. In addition, if you post content that others find useful or engaging, there is a chance that they will want to share it.

SEO is central to the effort to attract customers. SEO enhances online presence, consequently generating more organic traffic. As the technological world is continually growing, so is SEO. And it can get somewhat competitive, particularly for business owners. No one is safe from the inevitable crash of organic traffic. Endless competition is one of the driving factors why SEO continues to be incredibly relevant to global businesses.

SEO optimizes user experience, grows businesses, and improves ROI and profits. However, this is one solution that never promises instant results. SEO requires time to work. Progress is cumulative, and businesses must stay the course if they want long-term growth.

Google adopted mobile-first indexing in 2019. This implies that Google considers the mobile version of a website when indexing and ranking it rather than the desktop version. Given that over 2 billion individuals use the internet only through their cellphones, this makes reasonable. Moreover, by 2025, roughly three-quarters of internet users may only access the web via mobile devices.

Businesses must optimize the mobile version of their websites. This is probably the best place to begin. Google's mobile-first policy has been in effect for half a decade now. At this point, all your pages should already be accessible. Google should have zero problems crawling your site's pages and content.

Additionally, there is currently a great deal of false and misleading information on the internet. As an entrepreneur and digital marketer, you must carefully analyze the material you provide.

Long-form content that is quality-driven and attempts to keep readers engaged will often rank higher in search engine results for SEO purposes.

When developing long-form material, you should also consider how it appears aesthetically to your readers and what they get from it. Ensure that the material is sectioned using headings and subheadings and that it is easily scanned. Consider connecting to other reputable and relevant sources. People frequently utilize search engines to locate high-quality local goods and services.

What does a zero-click search mean?

When a user’s inquiry is addressed in the highlighted snippet of a search result, this is known as a zero-click search. Have you ever noticed that Google provides concise answers at the top of SERPs? This is a highlighted excerpt. This results in a zero-click search, as the user does not need to click on the link to visit the actual page. SEO specialists sometimes prioritize ranking for high-traffic keywords above providing search engine bots with well-written pillar material. As a small-business owner, collecting snippets that address the consumer’s genuine worries or concerns may be more helpful.

This is a bit more involved than on-page SEO, but the simplest way to understand it is that the more high-quality websites that link to your site, the better your chances of ranking well. This is because building links takes time, and providing high-quality content on your website is the most efficient method. In addition, if you post content that others find useful or engaging, there is a chance that they will want to share it.

SEO is central to the effort to attract customers. SEO enhances online presence, consequently generating more organic traffic. As the technological world is continually growing, so is SEO. And it can get somewhat competitive, particularly for business owners. No one is safe from the inevitable crash of organic traffic. Endless competition is one of the driving factors why SEO continues to be incredibly relevant to global businesses.

Marketing Professionals, Marketing and PR Directors

1on1 SEO Training is the perfect place to start if you are a traditional marketing professional, digital marketing specialist, marketing director, PR director, or any other public relations/marketing professional or specialist.

Why Do PR and Marketing Professionals Need SEO?

We said that because SEO is now a permanent part of the digital landscape. It is an incredible communication channel that helps your audience find your message when needed. You can use search engine optimization strategies in countless scenarios, like:

1on1 SEO Training can help you and your team master SEO strategies, methods, and techniques for a more productive and profitable year ahead. There is no disconnect between SEO and marketing because SEO is a marketing channel. You can evolve your SEO technique in the coming year to align with your company culture, visions, goals, and ROI targets. Public relations directors and professionals will be happy to know that all their efforts will improve once they realize that PR content must also be optimized. The process is not complicated, and you can grow everything from a tiny SEO seed comprising the best practices in the industry.

People Looking to Start a New Career in the SEO Industry

Or to Get Smarter on Specific Search Engine Optimization Topics

Are you a professional in digital marketing or any other related field looking to make a career change? You may have worked with SEO specialists before, and after seeing their work, you may have felt that your personality, skills, and work ethic are better suited for search engine optimization. You are not alone! The global SEO industry had grown tremendously since the pandemic, no doubt to the increased demand for online business when stricter health restrictions were still active. These changes in consumer habits continue to increase, and there will be no going back to the previous era.

However, projections and analytical data clearly show that when consumers perform online searches nowadays, they engage in different micro-moments driven by need. These consumer trends change mean search engine optimization has become the pillar and foundation of online businesses. 

Unless a business has other highly refined and tested digital marketing channels, it must invest in SEO to generate targeted traffic, leads, and sales.

What all these mean for someone who wants to change to an SEO career is that in terms of stability and availability of SEO positions, you will benefit from a profitable and global job market with no shortages in demand for SEO specialists and SEO professionals in general.

And should you have existing experience in digital marketing or accounts management, you can use your past professional experience to land fulfilling and well-paid positions either in digital marketing agencies or in-house SEO teams for larger enterprises. You also can try running your SEO service as a professional SEO vendor.

All these avenues present unique opportunities within the SEO industry, and you only must learn SEO and apply your SEO skills to a business’ current problems to prosper.

Some positions always available in job platforms include SEO specialist, SEO copywriter, social media manager, SEO accounts manager, digital marketer, SEO consultant, SEO director, SEO manager, and SEO strategist. We’ve even seen some companies looking for “SEO hackers,” strategists, disruptors who can refresh and improve existing SEO methods for in-house teams. This is one dynamic industry, and it would be a great career move if you learn SEO from a professional coach with seventeen years of experience, eleven of which were spent running a digital marketing agency.

Copywriters, Freelance Writers, Bloggers and Web Designers

Copywriters, Freelance Writers, Bloggers

Professional freelance writers, copywriters, and bloggers will become more effective in their line of work by learning SEO through an expert SEO coaching service. Bruce Jones, the founder of 1on1 SEO Training, is an inbound marketing specialist who knows the ins and outs of content marketing for every market and industry.

While good writers can write interesting and engaging content, getting found online is a different effort altogether. If you are a professional copywriter, freelancer, or blogger and want to create SEO-optimized content and understand how content strategy works in an inbound marketing channel like SEO, please sign up for our SEO coaching service today.

SEO is a low-price yet high-yield investment in your writing career or blogging business and offers protection for your writing in the future.

SEO focuses on existing and future consumer trends. Consumer needs for online content have changed drastically in the last decade. If you have already been engaged in content writing since the early 2000s, you are probably already aware of the changes in formatting, how people consume different topics, etc.

There will be more changes in the future, but the good news is that content demand will not waver nor disappear.

However, the rules of writing great content have shifted, and with the introduction of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and AI writing software like Jasper, bloggers, content writers, and copywriters need to stay competitive, and they need to start offering some SEO knowledge to their clientele to remain relevant.

Web Designers

A web designer is a business's first line of defense against bad SEO practices. The web designer is responsible for deploying on-page optimizations to a website and is expected to know what to add, change, or modify when an SEO specialist comes on board. SEO-ready, web design services are attractive to customers because they won't have to worry about the web designer not knowing what to do when an SEO campaign is underway.

If you are a professional web designer looking for an SEO coach who thinks highly of web designers and has worked with countless web designers in the past in his line of work, sign up for monthly SEO classes with us today.

A person using Google to find information has a particular question in mind. If your page is at the top of the search results and contains the information they’re looking for, they’ll visit it.

They may not buy from you immediately after finding your website, but they will remember it and return if they have further inquiries. Having your brand immediately come to mind when someone is looking for a product or service in your industry is a great way to boost conversions.

SEO helps businesses attract targeted visitors with a high propensity to convert. Investing in user experience yields a 100:1 return on investment.

A website must be both searches engine-optimized and user-friendly to earn favor with Google’s algorithm. The metrics related to the user experience now play a role in Google’s ranking algorithm.

If Google can avoid having its users’ experiences negatively impacted by low-quality websites, it will focus solely on ranking the best of them. A highly ranked site gains users’ trust and facilitates their search for the desired information.

Why Learn SEO:
The 12 Pillars of Search Engine Optimization


Ideally, you'd like to see a healthy return on your investment (ROI) from your efforts in digital marketing. You can get a great return on investment from an intelligent and competitive SEO strategy.

Why? Search engines provide a conversion rate for new leads of nearly 15%. That may not seem like much, but compared to the success rate of more conventional forms of advertising (less than 2%), SEO comes out on top.

2. SEO Supports Website's Authoritativeness

Many businesses fail to realize that search engine optimization can boost their credibility in the eyes of their customers. For example, appearing on the first page of Google results tells users that the search engine values your website. To this end, 75% of all clicks go to a search's first page of results.

3. SEO Drives Qualified Visitors to Your Site

SEO positions your website so you earn high-quality traffic. Hyper-targeted tools are available in digital marketing that wasn't available in the past. Instead of spending money on a billboard and crossing your fingers that your target audience sees it, you can rest assured that they will come across your website when searching.

4. SEO Uses Data to Evaluate Performance

Knowing the results is crucial, whether you're spending money on ads or product distribution. Because of this, the ability to track the results of your SEO and digital marketing efforts is a huge advantage. But, of course, the best part about digital marketing analytics is that they are available in real-time.

5. SEO Works Round-The-Clock

Depending on the nature of your company, you might provide support at all hours of the day and night. However, this is moot if consumers can't locate your online store. Therefore, one of SEO's most valuable features is that it can advertise your company around the clock.

It also bolsters the power of digital marketing to meet consumers where they are. For example, a billboard doesn't reach customers they see on their way out of town on the weekend; instead, they are attracted when actively seeking you out.

6. SEO Fuels Sales

SEO-reliant content marketing generates 54% more leads than other forms of advertising. The best part is that customers respond positively to this strategy. Sixty percent of customers are more likely to choose your business if you provide them with original content. So this SEO perk is helpful for both customers and businesses.

7. SEO Raises Brand and Product Recognition

What's another perk of using SEO services? Increased recognition of your company among potential customers. Consumers perform numerous searches as they progress through the buying process.

If your company keeps popping up in search results, people will start recognizing it. It's even better because it increases their confidence in your business.

8. SEO Increases Market Share, Sales, and Exposure

Your visibility in search engines is directly responsible for these growth rates. By ranking highly for valuable keywords used by your ideal customers, you can attract more of them to your website. As an example of the value of a first-page ranking, consider that 33% of all search traffic goes to the top-ranked result.

9. SEO Connects You With The Right People

One of SEO's main advantages is that it can connect with any target audience and reach people at any point in the buying process. There could be a few distinct demographics that your business caters to.

10. SEO Reduces Marketing Expenses

SEO can help your company save money on marketing and advertising. With a well-thought-out SEO strategy, your business can dominate the first page of search engine results for competitive keywords. That means you can cut back on advertising costs or use the money for other purposes in your business.

You can save money by, say, only running two PPC campaigns instead of five and then invest that extra cash into a broader push in content marketing. In addition, you can cut back on both online and offline marketing efforts, saving money in both areas. Within the first year of implementing SEO, many companies realize a return on investment that exceeds that of more conventional forms of marketing.

What's more, it produces superior outcomes.

11. Local SEO Helps You Compete Better

Local businesses that rely on foot traffic and phone calls can still benefit from SEO. As more people acquire smartphones, they increasingly use their devices for local searches. In addition, local search is precious because 80% of local searches result in a purchase, which is excellent news for your business.

Without SEO, you lose out on potential customers in the area and are ready to buy. This situation makes it simpler for your competitors to steal customers from you and expand their presence in the market. So don't help them out too much. Implementing local SEO strategies will give your company an advantage over the competition.

12. SEO is a Sustainable, Long-Term Strategy

Unlike many more static forms of marketing, search engine optimization is an ongoing strategy. In other words, SEO pays dividends for your business long after the initial investment has been made; however, SEO must be viewed as an investment in the future to produce the desired results. That means it's a yearly priority for organizations

what are people saying?


Bruce is very knowledgeable, he explains everything step by step. He really is the best if you want to be number one in google! Worked for me beautifully.

Anne Cottez Jones – French Teacher
Lackey Clinic

Bruce has been a huge help to our nonprofit Clinic as he has trained us on how to increase our SEO so more people searching for healthcare can find us! He has a wealth of knowledge, and he does a great job explaining the complex world of SEO to us at a pace we can handle and understand. We highly recommend working with Bruce!

Lackey Clinic
Clean All of North Jersey
1on1seotraining.com has been a Godsend…
1on1seotraining.com has been a Godsend to our business!! They provide help with things like learning how to do SEO steps on your own, optimizing your own website and listings as well as share a lot of tools and teach skills that you will need to boost your rankings. I can Highly recommend them!!
Eric Scherger – President
Premier Business Group

Anyone who uses this information and skills learned immediately becomes more valuable to any organization. Personally and professionally adds value.

Rex Rossi – Business Broker and Exit Planning Consultant
Econoprint of Lexington

Bruce is a great training instructor! He knows what he's doing when it comes to SEO. I left every meeting with a plethora of actionable "homework" items and SEO tips and tricks. I came into the first training meeting with a shaky knowledge of what I was doing, and I'm leaving the course with confidence in my abilities and actual, viewable results from the time he spent working with me to make my site more SEO friendly. SEO is ever-changing and I'll never be "finished" with my site, but I feel much more prepared now (and the fact that I'll have him as a resource to fall back on is even better)!

Devin Beech – Online Marketing Manager
Realty One Group Dockside

Bruce has help me with my website tremendously. I have seen the change in my site and the ranking going up very fast with his Technics and his recommendations. I don't have enough words to thank him for all of his help! Thank you again Bruce!!!

Mayra Zayago – Real Estate Agent
Spark Your Inner Light

Bruce is the best, not only at SEO but also as an seo coach and trainer. We've been working together for a month and he has been a treasure trove of information, tips, and tricks. As an entrepreneur just starting out, I don't have the budget to hire a company, but I also don't have the technical foundation to learn SEO all on my own. Hiring Bruce to walk me through it and give me "homework" each week has been the perfect middle ground, for both my budget and my sanity.

Jillian Jane – Owner
Michaele Knous Counseling and Therapy

Bruce has provided me with such good information on SEO and so much more. I like the idea that he teaches and helps with the optimization for my website. Patience is definitely Bruce's virtue.

Michaele Knous – Counselor and Owner

FAQ. what do you need to start?

Classes are planned based on the student’s existing background. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, 1-on-1 training helps you to build a strong online presence and increase your sales!

1on1 SEO Training: low price, high yield investment.