Freelance writer in learning how to write for SEO

SEO Training For Copywriters – Write Right For Google And People

Are you a copywriter and are looking to create better search engine optimized content for your clients?  Creating good search engine optimized articles, page content and blog posts are easy if you start with the right approach.  The wrong way to approach copywriting for SEO is to try to write an article and then add keywords in after the fact.  The right way to write great content that both your readers and Google love is to start with keyword research.  Actually it starts before that by thinking about who is your target audience or web persona and what are their problem that you can help solve.   Lets think about this articles with a topic of "SEO Training For Copywriters" as an example.  By doing keyword research related to my main business, search engine optimization training  I saw that there are approximately 210 people searching Google for that exact term every month and on the flip site there are only 13 other pages on the internet that are already optimized for that term. I used one of the free keyword tools on this page to get the 210 number.

How do I know there are only 13 pages on the internet that are optimized for this keyword? I did a Google search using the query allintitle: in front of that keyword and Google told me that number on their search results page.  Why does it matter?  Because if the most important place to add a keyword for SEO is to include it in the page or post title then this query clearly shows me that there are only 13 pages on the internet that did.  Here is what I saw.

training freelance writersWhen I add these results to my keyword research spreadsheet this keyword: seo training for copywriters stands out because it has decent search volume: 210, and low number of competitors: only 13. A keyword like SEO writing training only has 10 searches and 210 competitors.  On the flip side there are only 2 articles on the internet optimized for freelance writer SEO training but nobody is searching Google using that keyword phrase.

You only get that aha moment though when you stand back from the data and look at the keyword research spreadsheet as a whole.  So you see, I didn't really pick this keyword to optimize this post for, this keyword picked me.

copywriter search engine optimization classes

And that is how you should approach writing for search engines also; find a question people are asking Google and do the research on how people are asking that question compared to how many people have already answered that question, at least in Google's eyes.

Of course there is way more to SEO for writers than just picking the right keyword to write about, there are also other lessons like image optimization, linking internal posts, sometimes with a keyword for anchor text and sometimes without. url structure, the best way to get external backlinks and more.

The goal of this post is to start showing up pretty high in Google search results, (but then again, it only has to climb past 13 other pages to be #1) !!

I did the same thing recently with the keyword phrase SEO training for entrepreneurs, you should check where that is ranking when you do that search.  You can find that SEO for startups page here

You can use this same technique when researching what you should write about and hopefully get more of the right visitors to your page.

I hope that you learned something today by reading this, oh I almost forgot the call to action for this post and the whole reason I wrote it.

I'm not much of a copywriter myself really but I am a scientist when it comes to SEO.  I'm happy to train you in how to write more search engine optimized articles and blog posts in trade for you doing a little freelance copy writing for me.  Contact me here or find me on one of my social media profiles.

If trading services is not your thing, you can also hire me for personalized SEO training classes.

I'm also curious what you were searching Google for that brought you to this post, please leave a comment below to let me know.

Thanks, I look forward to working with you.

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