a laptop and a cup of coffee for keyword research workshop

Naperville Search Engine Optimization Class – Keyword Research Workshop

Figuring out what the right keywords are is one of the first and most important steps of search engine optimization. If you are a beginner this is a great place to get started on the path to getting more of the right visitors to your website.

Learn how to do keyword research for SEO like a pro in this hands-on workshop.

This SEO class will be held at the Naperville Library, 2035 South Naper Boulevard, Naperville, IL 60565 on October 2nd from 6pm-8pm

We'll cover inbound marketing strategy, Google monthly keyword volumes, competitor research, keyword intent (how to differentiate between informational Google searches and keywords used when people are getting ready to buy) Once we have identified good keywords to use for your business and have them on a spreadsheet we'll go over the best places to use those keywords on your website and beyond.

Things to bring; Your laptop, your Google account login and the login to your website.

We'll be using Keywords Everywhere, a free keyword tool that is a Google Chrome extension. We'll cover how to install it but I suggest adding it before class. https://keywordseverywhere.com

What you will leave with: The knowledge of how to think about keywords in a more strategic way and how to use different keyword tools to identify the best keywords to use for your website, blog posts and more.

This SEO training class will be led by Bruce Jones, owner of 1ON1 SEO Training, a seasoned SEO strategist and trainer with over 15 years of inbound marketing experience.  The class will be limited to less than 10 attendees and the price is $20.

To learn more and register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seo-training-workshop-keyword-research-like-a-pro-tickets-71909676779

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