group of ladies done with seo marketing training

Training Marketing Teams in SEO: What Do You Get?

SEO training for marketing teams isn't precisely innovation in 2022. On the contrary, search engine optimization has been a cornerstone operation of companies of all sizes for at least 20 years.

Optimization has always been crucial to operating in the digital space; even before SEO grew into the massive global industry it is today, its logic drove how people, computers, and the internet grew together when commercially available internet was still in its infancy.

1ON1 SEO Training recognizes the pressing need for reliable SEO coaching and SEO training services for marketing teams.

If you are a marketing professional, manager, or team leader looking for a subscription-modeled SEO training service for whole teams, you've come to the right place.

Our SEO training for marketing teams offers best-in-class instruction covering the most critical areas in search engine optimization and associated domains in online marketing.

Successful marketing teams need to understand how online marketing works fully. There are no exceptions anymore. A typical marketing team nowadays includes at least one SEO professional.

Often, there are three or more SEO experts onboard because just one won't be able to shoulder all the responsibilities. Suppose your marketing team has only been winging it thus far, relying on Google and a vague idea of how SEO works. In that case, it's time for your marketing team to undergo proper and professional training in search engine optimization.

SEO training is not rocket science, and many of the concepts in SEO came from inbound marketing, combined with dynamic knowledge of search technology, some coding know-how, etc.

Marketing teams can learn SEO lessons consistently over time. The more pressing necessity is finding an SEO coaching service with enough experience and expertise to train an entire team and provide knowledge that helps the individual team members merge into a harmonious unit.

Do You Need SEO Training for Marketing Teams?

There are many possible reasons why your marketing team might need additional, specialized training in search engine optimization. Below are just some of them:

1.Your company has a recognized brand that doesn't have the same reach as before.

2.Your company needs to grow its organic reach and audience.

3.Your company's ROI is falling.

4.Ad spending is increasing, and the bottom line is shrinking.

5.Your company's website is nowhere to be found for any of the critical search terms.

6.Your approach to online marketing is not fully aligned with what the higher-ups want, and you are unable to deliver the results they want from inbound marketing campaigns or PPC campaigns.

7.No one in the company knows how SEO works, and tasks are passed around different individuals and departments, bogging down the workflow and producing subpar results.

8.There are no SEO professionals in the company.

9.Your company website looks like it was published in 2010 and then left to its devices. The website needs a refresh or perhaps a renovation, and no one is sure how to do it and what to do to keep the site structure and content relevant to your intended audience.

10.You've been tasked as the marketing team's manager or leader to grow your website's organic traffic to increase the overall exposure of products and services. Unfortunately, only right now is organic traffic almost zero.

11.Your company has a web presence and organic traffic, but people keep landing on the wrong sections and pages. The website needs targeted traffic and organic traffic diverted to the correct pages.

Who Should Learn SEO?

Surprisingly for almost anyone who asks, SEO is for everyone.

It doesn't matter if you are a marketing manager, a copywriter, or someone doing graphic work for the website. Search engine optimization is so beneficial that everyone in the company should have at least basic knowledge of what SEO is, how it works, and how it applies to the business, market, or industry vertical.

At 1ON1 SEO Training, we believe the following would benefit the most from SEO training and SEO coaching services.

-        Members of the ad or PPC team

-        The ad management team

-        In-house copywriters and content writers

-        Content strategists with no prior training in SEO

-        Analytics people

-        Project managers

-        Web admins

-        Usability professionals

-        Any staff serving the internet marketing team or department

-        Programmers

-        Devs

-        Web designers

Yes, even web designers will benefit from learning SEO. SEO is now much more than just knowing what keywords to add to the content. SEO encompasses almost everything on the page, primarily what lies beyond it.

The Bottom Line: Learning SEO Means Bigger Successes

Let's face it—even 'small' companies have so many people involved, from the creative team to the friendly folks performing implementation and design on the website. SEO knowledge gap needs to be addressed ASAP. Otherwise, you will continue seeing plenty of back and forth between the teams, and new projects will suffer. Imagine sacrificing ROI just because they didn't have enough SEO training or because they didn't have access to quality SEO coaching services. 1ON1 SEO Training has provided robust and reliable SEO training to marketing teams, business owners, and SEO professionals. We teach people who are already experts in their field and people whose technical knowledge was previously just their website, email, and social media.

As long as you want to master SEO in a structured manner, there's no reason they won't learn. Our curriculum has you covered whether you're in the B2B market or B2C, retail or manufacturing, sales or lead generation.

Try our SEO coaching services today and benefit from seventeen-plus years of experience in the trenches of online marketing and optimization. Benefit from insights gained from countless SEO experiments in actual SEO campaigns that you won't read in books or hear in webinars. Only we have those SEO insights, and we are in the best position to help your marketing department because we also do SEO daily. 

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